(Naf Naf skirt, Old Navy t-shirt, thrifted boots, H&M necklace and ring, Asos skull ring, Asos glasses)
Hello, hello!
I had a very busy week end between my birthday party, my girl from Buffalo who came to visit and my work for finals.
So last friday, I celebrated my 21 years old at home with my best buds.
We danced our cute butts off for like 4 hours, it was so much fun.
Thanks to my awesome friends, I got an amazing The Kooples skirt (you'll see it soon, believe me) and a Hello Kitty pimp cup ahah! Im a huge Hello Kitty fan so that made my night.
I decided to wear my new skirt that my brothers got me for my birthday and that I absolutely love. A simple white t shirt was obvious to fit with the white and blue stripes of the skirt. I love the turquoise jewels, they add a vintage touch to this look. The glasses are for fun, I love them and sometimes, I just wish I had real vision's issues so I won't have to justify wearing those.
I have to study again so see you and I hope you all had a great week end !
Happy Birthday. It looks like you had some fun!
B* a la Moda
Thank you!
RépondreSupprimerhappy birthday! i love you necklace. i think it's the piece of the summer. i wore mine yesterday and random people on the street were telling me it was great, lol.
RépondreSupprimerthanks for the balenciaga love too, what's your like?